Bandwidth [of Broadcast]
Detroit, Michigan
Architectural Work
Autonomous Communities
Albert Kahn History [Graphic Data]
Inflata-Room Factory
Park Avenue Bike Path
Bandwidth [of Broadcast]
Woodward District Library
Dwell-able Ceiling
Malletts Creek Library Analysis
Pointed Circulation
Works In Progress...
Architectural Organization
Through manipulation of landscape by the undulation of the band, a complex of musical interaction takes place within the 'landscape' of Detroit. Contextually the complex sits within the barren plane of Detroit. The complex only sparingly emerges a maximum fifteen feet above the ground plane. Apartments, restaurants, bars, galleries, retail space, recording studios, radio station space, and interior/exterior concert venue create an artistically influenced complexity of program within the bounds.
Arrangement of program is based on the sectional value associated with the project. Vignettes describe the potential spaces that are created throughout the revealing and concealing of the concrete undulating bands on the site. The 'bandwidth' [space in between the concrete] determines the area of the space and assigns its dimensions within the bounds of the entire site.
Materiality takes place within the bands. Wooden decking, glass infill, and green-scape work within the concrete nature of the bands. Defined paths and ramps lead to a green area within, where program is separate from the exterior context of Brush Park. Glimpses of the interior courtyard space occur as pedestrian and automobile traffic pass on the main artery of Woodward Avenue. The proposed buildings blend themselves into the landscape, but also broadcast themselves as something contextually different from its surroundings.
Section Vignettes
Full Site Sections
Third Level [Street Level] Site Plan
Second Level Site Plan
First Level Site Plan
All Works © Matthew Ritsema 2013